Easter Activities & Treats

Easter Activities & Treats

Spring has arrived, and despite the hard frost last night the daffodils and crocuses are standing steady. Here at the centre we are getting ready for Saturday's (9th March) Artisan Market and we can't wait to see you there.

Whilst we always have lots of interesting crafts happening at the Centre, the next big event we are planning is Easter.  This year the centre will be open for the whole of the Easter Weekend and we're working away to ensure that it is going to be a very 'Hoppy' time for all our visitors.

Throughout the Easter Half term we will be holding craft sessions for adults and children.  Our Craft@The Centre Wednesday 10am -12pm sessions will have optional crafts available on both 3rd and 10th April for adults.  On the 3rd we will be offering an opportunity to get your hands dirty making clay pots, and on the 10th we will be making handmade lampshades.  Jo will also be offering pottery painting sessions during the holidays- booking details will be available on our Calendar page by Friday 8th March.

On Good Friday (Friday 29th March) our resident silver jewellery artist Elizabeth Hunt will be joining forces with Jo Slesser from Ashes & Oak to offer a unique workshop for parents and their children - for the 'grown-ups' Elizabeth will be running a silver stacking ring making course and for the 'kids' Jo will be offering pottery painting egg cups and tiles.  Keep Checking our Calendar page for more information and booking.

On Easter Sunday, after our early morning visit from the Easter Bunny, we will be hosting our very own children's Easter egg hunt.  Come along and take part, it's sure to bring a smile to everyone's face and there might just be a bit of chocolate involved :0)

Our wonderful Crafty Cafe chef Jude will be baking Easter treats and Hot Cross buns for your enjoyment, so you can be assured there will be something sweet and yummy for everyone to enjoy.

We can't wait to see you all there.

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